Then I open up TightVNC and connect to and it directs me to my home 10.4 machine. From work, I open my SSH client (from cygwin) and type: I have SSH connections into my powerbook and ARD set to allow VNC connections. OSXVNC's option only disallows network connections and instead only listens for localhost connections (which, since it's only useful via ssh tunneling, explains their word choice). Just as with any other VNC server, you can indeed use SSH tunnel. No VNC server has the option to SSH directly to it. I don't believe the ARD VNC server has a similar option." OSXVnc has a nice feature that will only allow SSH-tunneled connections. You really shouldn't be doing plain, unencrypted VNC connections via Internet if you can avoid it.

"Note I said 'emergency' troubleshooting in the last point. On the OS X side, a popular VNC client that works well with ARD/OSXVnc is Chicken of the VNC
EXE, no need to install the entire server package on the PC) available.

What I really like about this package is that there's a standalone viewer app (it's just a single. Finally, the consensus seems to be that one of the better Windows VNC clients for use with ARD/OSXVnc is the open-sourced TightVNC.I don't believe the ARD VNC server has a similar option. Note I said 'emergency' troubleshooting in the last point.I can see this being of great value when attempting to do emergency remote troubleshooting. Still, it's kind of neat that every copy of 10.4 now comes with a bundled VNC server. As noted by another poster, the embedded ARD VNC server is a bit sluggish compared to other versions such as OSXVnc.Try systemsetup -h or networksetup -h for more info.

The ARD-related commands systemsetup and networksetup found in /System: Library: CoreServices: RemoteManagement: ARDAgent.app: Contents: Support (described in this hint and in this webcast) are also present.As noted in this hint, the great thing about the ARD client is that it can be set to accept standard VNC (Virtual Network Computing) connections.As such, a number of previously posted hints (see below) regarding ARD now become relevant to a much wider audience.
Previously one had to download and install it manually. It appears that the Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) client service is now installed by default in 10.4.